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How to Prepare to be a Podcast Guest


As a seasoned podcast producer and founder of the Brassy Broadcasting Company, I’ve recorded countless podcast interviews. After working with more guests than I shake a microphone at, I’ve come up with a list of steps you can take to show up to your next podcast interview looking prepared and sounding professional. Whether you’re a business owner looking to expand your influence or a thought leader aiming to build your brand, these five expert tips will instantly help you build rapport with the host and maximize your impact as a podcast guest.

The High Stakes of Being a Podcast Guest

Before we dive into the tips, let’s explore what’s at stake when you’re a podcast guest. Being a lousy guest has consequences.

  1. Missed Opportunities: A poor performance can result in lost chances to connect with potential clients, partners, or collaborators.
  2. Damaged Reputation: It’s easy to lose credibility with an audience when you don’t show up looking or sounding your best.
  3. Wasted Time and Resources: If the episode doesn’t meet expectations, both your and the host’s time and effort will be wasted. They might not publish the episode.
  4. Reduced Visibility: Hosts are less likely to promote episodes with subpar guests, limiting your exposure to their audience.
  5. Burned Bridges: A negative experience might close doors for future podcast appearances, not just with that host but within their network.

The good news? With proper preparation, you can avoid these pitfalls and turn your podcast guest appearance into a powerful tool for growth and influence.

Nervous About Your Podcast Debut? You’re Not Alone!

If the thought of being a podcast guest makes your palms sweat, take a deep breath – you’re in good company. Many successful entrepreneurs and thought leaders felt the same way before their first appearance. Nervousness is often a sign that you care about doing well. Channel that energy into preparation, and you’ll be amazed at how quickly those nerves transform into excitement. The host wants you to succeed and is invested in your success – they invited you for a reason! Your unique insights and experiences are valuable, and with the tips below, you’ll be well-equipped to share them effectively.

Get ready to shine in your next podcast guest appearance.

5 Tips to prepare for your podcast interview

1. Be Prepared and Punctual

Preparation is the foundation of a successful podcast appearance. This means more than just showing up on time (though that’s crucial). When it’s a virtual recording session, log in a few minutes early to avoid any last-minute technical hiccups. Being prepared also involves having a clear “big idea” or key takeaway for the audience. When the host asks what one thing you want listeners to remember, you should have a concise, impactful answer ready. This not only adds value to the conversation but also provides the host with a perfect promotional clip for your episode.

2. Create an Ideal Recording Environment

Your recording space can make or break your podcast guest appearance. Visually, ensure your background is tidy and professional. Acoustically, avoid rooms with hard surfaces and high ceilings that can create echoes. Carpeted rooms or spaces with sound-absorbing materials are ideal for recording. Before you record, listen for distracting background noise like dogs barking, neighbors cutting grass, and noise from the furnace or air conditioner.

3. Use Quality Audio Equipment

If you don’t have a fancy external microphone, don’t worry! A pair of wired headphones with a built-in microphone can work wonders. Remember, wired headphones are preferred to avoid a plethora of potential Bluetooth issues. You may be the most expertly expert in your field, but it won’t matter if you sound like you’re recording through a tin can because listeners will tune out. Invest in a decent microphone if you plan on being a regular podcast guest.

4. Stay Present and Engaged

Being present during your interview is crucial. This means turning off all notifications on your devices and avoiding the temptation to multitask. Resist the urge to type on your keyboard during the interview – it’s more noticeable than you might think! Your total engagement and attention create a more natural, flowing conversation that listeners will appreciate.

5. Be You

Remember, the host invited you for a reason. They believe in your expertise and your ability to deliver value to their audience. So, relax and let your personality shine through. The last thing you want to do is sound like someone else. Authenticity resonates and creates a more enjoyable and memorable podcast experience for you, the host, and the listeners.

you’re ready to be their favorite guest

By following these five tips, you’ll not only be a prepared podcast guest but also one that hosts and listeners alike will remember. Your podcast appearances will become powerful tools for building your influence and brand.

Ready to take your podcast guest game to the next level? Join my email list for more insider tips on leveraging podcast appearances for business growth. Together, we’ll amplify your voice and expand your reach in the digital world.

Remember, every podcast guest appearance is an opportunity to showcase your expertise and connect with a new community. Make it count!

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