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The One Editing Secret I Wish I Knew Earlier

Unlock Efficiency and Consistency in Your Podcast Production Workflow

Document Your Process. This one golden nugget of wisdom would have saved me hours of frustration and streamlined my workflow

No matter what kind of content you’re creating – video, video podcasts, audio podcasts, or social media posts, embracing this simple practice will drastically improve your speed and the quality of your work.

The One Thing: Document Your Process

The key to leveling up your podcast production is deceptively simple: Write it down.

Making careful notes at each step as you craft your podcast episodes may feel redundant initially, especially when certain actions seem obvious. It feels counterintuitive because it slows you down initially, but you will be glad you did it.

Detail the Details in Your Process

Recording your workflow is more than jotting down bullet points. Take photos or screenshots of your gear setup, note precise equipment settings, and document the placement of your camera, table, or other equipment you’re using.

Make a note of anything that you need to move out of the background of your camera shot.

Streamlining Pre-Production

Production begins long before hitting the record button. Establish a step-by-step process for guest bookings and create materials that help guests come to the interview fully prepared. From initial contact to post-recording follow-ups, detail every phase to guarantee a smooth experience for everyone involved.

Document any challenges that come up, along with your solutions. This way, you not only create a knowledge base for yourself but also pave the way for others who might face similar issues.

Consistency Leads to Mastery

Process documentation ensures consistency, which builds confidence and speeds up production. Much like a well-oiled machine, your podcasting routine should run smoothly, ensuring uniform quality that listeners can rely on. My goal is to be as efficient as a fast food drive-through without creating generic cookie-cutter content.

The less you have to think about your process, the more energy you can focus on creating podcasts and videos that truly entertain your audience and keep them coming back for more.

Putting Process to Practice – Checklists and Templates

Now that you’ve documented your process, let’s turn those notes into actionable tools. Checklists and templates become the cornerstone of an efficient workflow. These resources don’t just serve your current self; they set the stage for any future contributions from team members or external collaborators.

Set your guests up for success and ease. Send them a checklist prior to your recording session. This sets expectations and prepares them to give their best. It also makes you look more professional and invested in their success.

In the editing phase, templates become time-savers. Software like Descript or platforms like Libsyn offer features that reduce repetitive tasks and streamline production. Templates for editing flows, promotional clips, or show notes can all be part of your process arsenal.

I’ve also created social media templates in Canva and CapCut.

This advice may seem simple, but documenting your process is the one thing that can quickly elevate your work and streamline your workflow.

Have you downloaded your guide to my favorite podcasting tools and resources? Check it out.

What Next?

If you’re looking for a production partner to come alongside and help you launch and produce your podcast. Let’s chat! Schedule a 20-minute call to tell me more about your podcasting vision, and we’ll see if we would be a good fit to work together.

Schedule My Call with Jen

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